The Civil Code. Article 4:1 (1) of the Civil Code protects marriage and the family. Marriage is the most important community in life, and the legislator therefore feels a responsibility to regulate this legal institution. The invalidity of a marriage is determined by legal proceedings, the possible grounds for which include, inter alia, the existence of an incapacitated marriage, a relationship of kinship, a relationship of relatives, a previous marriage. Cases of dissolution of marriage include the death of one of the parties or dissolution by the court, commonly known as divorce. Legal clarity may also be necessary in this context, because an objective examination of the parties’ dispute can bring the matter to a speedy conclusion. In this procedure, the court will also decide on custody and custody issues in the case of a common child, taking into account the circumstances of the case; it will also decide on name and property issues and maintenance rights.
In family law, the protection of children is paramount and they therefore enjoy enhanced legal protection. Accordingly, in child custody cases, the court decides on the basis of where the child can develop in the most appropriate circumstances and live the fullest life. As lawyers, our role in this is to provide appropriate representation, to facilitate evidence so that the child does indeed suffer the least disruption both in the proceedings and in their aftermath.
Our firm provides full litigation and non-litigation representation in family law matters, and also acts on behalf of our clients in drafting agreements relating to matrimonial, cohabitation and dissolution of matrimonial property.