In civil law, there are legal transactions where the law requires the involvement of a lawyer for the validity of the contract or legal transaction. These include the formation of companies, the notification of changes to companies, their dissolution, and contracts relating to the transfer of ownership of real estate, including gifts, exchanges and sales. In addition, the assistance of a lawyer is required for the conclusion of matrimonial property contracts and contracts of succession, maintenance and annuities. Our law firm undertakes the drafting and countersigning of civil law contracts, the drafting and countersigning of contracts, the drafting and countersigning of contracts, the drafting and countersigning of contracts of inheritance, maintenance and annuity, representation in litigation and non-litigation proceedings, the drafting and countersigning of matrimonial property contracts, the drafting and countersigning of documents relating to company registration, the notification and documentation of changes in the company’s life, and the taking of the necessary legal steps in the event of dissolution.
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